I'm trash

By skreweduP - 15/06/2009 23:57 - United States

Today, I went on a date with this guy and he was on his phone the whole night. When I got home I checked his Facebook since he barely paid attention to me. His status was, "So-and-so is taking out the trash" from mobile posted an hour ago. I got home from my date 30 mins ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 298
You deserved it 3 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glam_fml 0

That sucks. Even though he wasn't interested in you, he could have still been polite. It's extremely rude to ignore the person you are having dinner with. I probably would have grabbed his phone and chucked it at the wall.

Syoungblood07 0

What a jerk! FYL!! I would update YOUR status "I just took out The Clap, but I saved myself just in time"


What an asshole, he could have at least been polite.

Evidently, he didn't quite enjoy your company

Syoungblood07 0

What a jerk! FYL!! I would update YOUR status "I just took out The Clap, but I saved myself just in time"

brendiz 0

A few months ago I noticed a man and a woman at a restaurant that looked like they were on a date, but the man was on the phone the whole time i was there, poor woman looked out of place and akward...i also thought what an asshole....im wondering if this was you? LMAO

That's when you just up and leave. How effing rude of people. It's obvious they have no manners and aren't interested enough to be a decent person toward you during a date.

cherry72 13

I totally agree. that guy is a douche.

Some people just don't work together.

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Or maybe he was a really boring person....

Glam_fml 0

That sucks. Even though he wasn't interested in you, he could have still been polite. It's extremely rude to ignore the person you are having dinner with. I probably would have grabbed his phone and chucked it at the wall.

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"So you think that just because he was a little rude or impolite about how he treated his date (whom he was clearly not interested in for one reason or another) it's okay to destroy his property?" yes. yes it is. don't want your phone broken? don't be an asshole. if your date's that boring, man up and tell her so, and you can both go home early.

But it's only a first date and that is extrme

amatayo 0

So the question is y did he go out with you? I mean I've been out with woman that I was not feeling half way through the date but I still knew that she deservers a good time so hmm I think that guy was broken. Hahaha

sofad15 0

what an ass. You should have just excused yourself to the bathroom and leaved right away.

lavaricia 0

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I find it hilarious that YOU comment on how someone else doesn't have a grasp of the English Language when your comment ignores grammar, punctuation, capitalization... So don't harass people about "not understanding the English language" when you're writing "your" instead of "you're". That's basic stuff. Come on.

nouza 0

HAHAH!! Burn !! I totally agree with that! Don't criticise unless your English is perfect; or else you'll just seem like an idiot.

BnaLovesZsk25 0

granted he/she used the wrong "your" but leaved is way worse. I can't even say that comment out loud because it is so wrong.

Then again, there are still people that don't have English as their native language, and it's quite easy to make a mistake. It happens to me every few months as well (that particular mistake), but only when I'm talking and not paying attention to grammar.