Immersive experience

By Stormy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after a long and tiring day at work, I went to the movies, where I loaded up on soda, popcorn, and candy, and settled in to enjoy the movie. I ended up falling asleep and being woken up two hours later by an usher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 208
You deserved it 8 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get really tired in dark places too, probably best to go home and nap as opposed to the cinema.

wow what a waste of money to pay for a movie you didn't even watch


Igor_g5 0

When I was younger me and my GF fell asleep at a drive-in movie and were awakened by security. We weren't wearing any clothes.

captainTexas84 0

that's one step up from lonely alchoholic

Blackhandles 0

Did you get robbed too? Because that would really suck.

That0therguy 4

Is it just me, or does that actually sound fun?

butterflyz1961 2

Damn, you could have done that at home for free.

mommylover555 3

I have worked in a movie theater and that happens way more often then you think so don't feel bad lol