Is gift

By catlady - 25/08/2015 03:16 - United States - Clifton Park

Today, I awoke at two in the morning to my cat putting his most recent kill on my chest. When I jumped up screaming, the dead mouse went flying and now my husband and I can't find it. Better yet, now both my husband and my cat are giving me the silent treatment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 732
You deserved it 2 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is your husband giving you the silent treatment? Also if you don't find it soon, you'll be sure to find it once it starts stinking!

My cat gives me the silent treatment most days anyway, I honestly wouldn't notice the difference.


Why is your husband giving you the silent treatment? Also if you don't find it soon, you'll be sure to find it once it starts stinking!

I'm also wondering that, what does him has to do with the situation? Is he blaming OP for panicking and loosing the rat? Is he mad because OP made him search for it too?

But is the husband really giving her the silent treatment or is he just being quiet becuase its two in the ******* morning...

leogachi 15

@21 One could reasonably assume that this was posted later in the day.

bibble27 9

#1 my theory is the previously were having a fight that ended with the silent treatment but now that OP lost the cat's most recent prey no one in OP's house will talk to her. Sorry OP you can't catch a break this week. It will get better. Hope there's a follow up.

Well at least your cat cares enough to bring you food so you won't die. That's why they do it. Give your cat a day outside, and tell your husband to get off his moral high horse. You panicked. Good luck finding the mouse carcass.

Steffi3 40

I'd scream too, if I were to wake up like that. Just curious, how do cats give silent treatments?

Maybe it stops giving "presents"? That would be a win.

Maybe OPs cat tends to be very vocal on most days. Enough for her to know she's not her usual self.

My Sam just acts like he usually does, except he gives me periodic glares so I know he's doing it on purpose.

JustinJK 21

My cat is deaf. She always gives silent treatments lol

My cat gives me the silent treatment most days anyway, I honestly wouldn't notice the difference.

Maybe the cat thought it would be a nice present

id hate to see how you react waking up to the zombie apocalypse

That cat risked life and limb to bring you a token of its love. No appreciation... I feel like your husband is being kind of a bitch though. I mean, he didn't have dead rodent on him and most likely you or the cat will be the one to find it. He gets to go back to sleep.

drshn 22

The cat did not risk anything, it just shared it's dinner. Why do cats get so much attention when clearly they don't give a ****.

DeltaDragonxx 20

That's how your kitty shows his dominance

yikes OP I'm so sorry!! Your husband seems quite immature. Anyways your cat probably had good intentions, since the view dead animals as "gifts". I hope everything works out okay!!