It's good for the planet

By Marcela - 18/03/2009 13:47 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower with my new boyfriend for the first time. Last night was the first night we spent together. As I was washing my hair, I looked down at my feet and noticed yellow water. Some of the warm water I felt on my feet was not from the shower head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 107 346
You deserved it 19 681

Same thing different taste


bickel615 0

Just tell him you're not into watersports, lol

pft, you shoulda knelt down and let him give you a golden shower


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yall are nasty. that is an FML. would you want a girl to take a piss on you? didn't think so.

Let's get real. That is NASTY! LOL. Be sure to speak up and tell him not to piss when you are in there.

Kassad_fml 0
effevery1slife 0

I wouldn't say it's nasty, but it shows he's comfortable around you. If can't handle it or don't want to, tell him not to do it when he showers with you. Simple as that.