
By not as jacked - 30/04/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, I've been an avid gym-goer since I was in high school. A year ago I convinced my girlfriend to start going to the gym with me and she had been sticking to it since. She has now has left me for a full-on fitness model she met there. He helped her start an online store, which is doing well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 496
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good on you for helping her find her happiness in life.

Wadlaen 23

Although unintentionally, it seems you brought this on yourself, but I agree: that really sucks!


Good on you for helping her find her happiness in life.

Walked right into that one. Today’s lesson: never encourage anyone.

Wadlaen 23

Although unintentionally, it seems you brought this on yourself, but I agree: that really sucks!