Jealousy is a hell of a drug

By SmhBetches - 11/08/2023 00:02

Today, my “best friend” threw me under the bus and got me fired from my job, possibly getting charges pressed against me. She told on me for sweethearting (ringing up one item when she'd bought multiple items) her, all because I’m dating a guy she likes. She didn’t even tell me she liked him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 314
You deserved it 1 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So basically, you five-finger-discounted her a few times, and then got fired for it. Admittedly her reason is petty as hell, but because you let her steal you get no sympathy.

You were aiding and abetting a criminal. And, yeah, I agree with MidnaLink. You get no sympathy. Consider yourself lucky if you don't get charged.


So basically, you five-finger-discounted her a few times, and then got fired for it. Admittedly her reason is petty as hell, but because you let her steal you get no sympathy.

You were aiding and abetting a criminal. And, yeah, I agree with MidnaLink. You get no sympathy. Consider yourself lucky if you don't get charged.

don't do anything to get yourself fired over then, and then maybe you wouldn't get fired/charged

ODBeefalo 10

I have nothing against stealing from big name stores... but you played the game and got caught, no sympathy. consider this a good lesson to learn with minimal consequences: you can't trust your friend. you didn't get charged, congrats you are lucky.

you were technically stealing for someone else and you don't see that as a problem? this is your fault. if you hadn't been doing it she couldn't turn you in for anything.