Jogging is dangerous

By jumpedjogger - 14/09/2011 08:34 - United States

Today, I was jogging in the neighborhood. My new neighbor who lives three houses down clotheslines me and shouts, "You're the reason my wife won't have sex with me!" He then kicked me in the stomach and walked inside. Now I'm scared to leave my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 603
You deserved it 3 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if his wife wont have sex with him, maybe she'll do it with you! Give it a try :)

cooperd52 6

That's assault. Why dont you report him?


OP you can't bitch up like that go back and mollywhop that sumbitch

nekrodoll 0

I want to see how y out look lol

I think he's fulla shit wat part of ga was this?

Just_Peed 0

Get yourself a treadmill and put it on the sidewalk RIGHT in front of his house x)

Make him run after you, its good motivation for you and good exercise for him, win/win!

gd idea...until he goes all out on your ass and catches you

good idea...until he goes all out and catches your ass

The real reason that dude's wife won't **** him is probably 'cause he's a violent asshole who blames other people for his problems and has a hairy beer gut from not jogging. Should call the cops. I like to see him get any from his wife when there's a phone on a wire and a sheet of bulletproof glass in between them.

fatalwish 6

That may be assualt but i belive i would get him back by assualting his wifes ****** rather often and with great vigor

Idontbelievethis 1

Real reason: he's a violent, insecure dickbag. Call the police and report him for the assault.