Keep schtum

By Anonymous - 12/06/2020 08:08

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. Last week my coworker, who I sit next to 5 days a week, returned to work after bereavement maternity leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 551
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You do realize that bereavement maternity leave means the coworker lost the baby, right?

Congrats to you but the situations sucks. Maybe tell your coworker first before the rest of the office finds out, to cushion the blow?


You need to get a new job or preemptively murder your coworker. In all the movies, she steals your baby.

That right there is actually funny. LOL. I giggled.

Congrats to you but the situations sucks. Maybe tell your coworker first before the rest of the office finds out, to cushion the blow?

tounces7 27

You don't have to tell everyone right away. Can always wait a few months first until it's not so fresh on her mind.

J15237 25

Maybe I am missing something, but how is this an FML for you? I mean your coworker is the one who should be writing an FML for this situation. If you are good friends then she will be supportive and perhaps you guys can bond together. However, congratulations and enjoy. I am sure your coworker will be happy for you.

she will be happy but her baby died so no she wont be overjoyed this will be extremely hurtful for her to hear. I'm glad the o.p recognises that.

speaking as someone whos baby died. please tell her first before anyone else. acknowledge how you know this will hurt her and you are sorry. she will be happy for you but the grief is too deep for her to feel that just yet.. give her a bit of time to process it before you tell everyone else so she can prepare herself to deal with everyones happy reactions. she will probably hate you at first. she will hate herself for hating you but you just cant help it when your in it. oh and also.. (maybe ask if its okay) but talk about her baby too and use her babys name, all her brain is doing right now is screaming at her that her baby died and literally no one talks about them and its awful.

If you’re good friends make her the godmother it will definitely fusion the blow