Letting off steam

By Username - 31/03/2011 07:20 - United States

Today, while on vacation, I realized my parents and grandparents had been running off and doing quite a few errands lately. After doing some sleuthing, I discovered they were taking turns having blood-curdling sex in our other hotel room down the hall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 684
You deserved it 11 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well they are on vacation so let them have their fun crabby!


YourWetDream 0

Everybody enjoys sex :] they are on vacation! Let them have their fun

I think the OP feels that this is an FML because he or she is clearly an unwanted fifth wheel on this vacation. Think of all the fun the parents and grandparents would be having if they didn't have to sneak around because they don't want to tell the child/grandchild, "Look, we'd rather just spend our time in the hotel screwing. You go do what you want by yourself." If all they wanted to do was have sex, why did they take the OP along? Now they're stuck passing the OP back and forth like a hot potato, with the 'winning' couple sneaking off for a sex session while the 'losing' couple is stuck with the OP. The OP is the 'booby prize' here and knows it.

Aww good on 'em! At least they're still living up to the young & in love part of growing old and married. It's almost kind of sweet when ya think about it? Sex is a natural part of life! :D

And the problem is...? From now on MYB!

Wow. I skimmed over this and thought it said 'my parents having bloodcurdling sex with my grandparents.' See, now that would be a little gross. But OP, let them have their ******* fun. Maybe you need to go get some, huh? ******* fifth wheel.

blood-curdling? nice wordage. that makes me want to puke

Should've not gone there Sherlock so its your own fault! Maybe you should've spent your time trying to find someone to make bloody-curdling sex with instead ;)

born_hustla 26

lmao.. I ******* love that commercial