Life lesson

By Anonymous - 01/08/2022 06:00

Today, I was considering joining the army, so I asked my veteran uncle what the worst bits are. He told me the worst was learning for yourself just how horrible it is to see the light go out behind someone’s eyes as they die with your bullet in their chest. I don’t want to join the army anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 347
You deserved it 1 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good, listen to your uncle. Killing people is not a good career, even if 'there's a chance' you won't have to kill someone.

You asked, he gave you an honest answer. We are always on the brink of war. Army isn't fun and easy, it's not for the weak. You will face physically and mentally breaking exercises and yes, possibly killing someone


That's obvious though? Keep in mind a lot today don't see action

Good, listen to your uncle. Killing people is not a good career, even if 'there's a chance' you won't have to kill someone.

Just buy a uniform at a surplus store and wear it to bars. You'll get free drinks and get laid by girls who fetishize the military. Let's face it -- that's the prime motivation for most guys who enlist.

You asked, he gave you an honest answer. We are always on the brink of war. Army isn't fun and easy, it's not for the weak. You will face physically and mentally breaking exercises and yes, possibly killing someone

I wonder, what exactly did you think joining the army is about?