Love is love, dude

By lonelyengineer - 19/12/2010 10:28 - Germany

Today, I sat in the cafeteria at work and saw a girl, which is a rare sight at my workplace, from the back with a beautifully long ponytail. After a full hour of building up courage to perhaps say hi to her, she turned around. It was a 50-year-old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 031
You deserved it 32 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

youfailed18 0

Hahaha good luck with that relationship.

so... did you say hi? sure he's a fifty-year-old man, but, honestly, who has sex face-to-face anymore?


No she isn't, Jesus approves of FML. That can be your new slogan: 'FML, it's Jesus approved' :D

I don't think Jesus would approve of everything on here... Such as Anteezy's Profile Pic.

Jesus approves of my profile pic, he said son thou must not fap!

That comment was not meant for this thread but another one. Damn, I need to stop drinking.

I hav the same iPod case Damon!!!!! o ya I'm 11 lol SUCK IT

youfailed18 0

Hahaha good luck with that relationship.

catkat1988 17

haha, I'm not sure I'd really say your life is ******, but it did make me chuckle...

I get an hour break and a fifteen minute break when I work 8hours.

I get an hour and two fifteens. :o you can hate me now.

msapp2 0

wow haha i hate when you cant tell the difference

You get an hour for break? Even our lunches aren't that long.

That's Central Europe my friend. In many central-european countries you MUST take an hour break for lunch. Did you know: in Germany if you have a new baby you get paid during a year without going to work! Parents can even share that time, for example the father stays home for 4 months and the mother 8 months. In Holland you get "vacation money" in summer and spring, amounting to (someone correct me if I'm wrong) one month of salary each. In France, a "full-time job" is limited to 35 hours a week. In my area of residence in Switzerland, shops close at 7pm during the week and 4pm on Saturdays, because people think shop attendants should have enough time home with their kids. The situation is easier for the workers in Central Europe, whereas it is easier for the employers in America.

TheDrifter 23

However the central European workers quality of life is somewhat limited. For example in America an unskilled worker can work seventy hours a week and put money away for a better lifestyle, either for himself or his children. The same worker in France will be stuck in the ghetto his whole life and leave his children with little hope for better. But hey, I hear that's how they like it. A bicycle, a little flat and an anti government protest is all they need or deserve right?

I find your post to be highly informative. Please, Drifter, tell me more.

UpsidedownKayak 9

You were checking out a guy for an hour. YDI

stormer461 13

Hey it ain't all bad. He probably turned around to check you out because you look like a woman.

Deprivation of the opposite sex has caused you to become delusional...


Hahah that is amazing, I'm sitting here in church on my iPhone and I'm reading this and I just burst out laughing ... Everyone is now looking at me!(: hahahahah

You are going to hell, you know that right?

No she isn't, Jesus approves of FML. That can be your new slogan: 'FML, it's Jesus approved' :D

Why in the world are you reading FML on your phone at church? I'm not a super religious person but I do go to church and that's really disrespectful. :/

No she isn't, Jesus approves of FML. That can be your new slogan: 'FML, it's Jesus approved' :D

shortystar_fml 0

for real church is boring and i would be reading fmls too if i went to church