By preggo eggo - 30/11/2017 16:00

Today, after months of my fiancé begging me to have a baby with him, I found out I’m pregnant. He doesn’t want a baby anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 196
You deserved it 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PhantomCrevan 8

Has the subject of children somehow not come up before? Or does he not want one right now because something changed? You need to get a straight answer from him on children or you might need to leggo of him so you can take control of your eggos.

Lobby_Bee 17

Maybe you misunderstood him, he wants to make the baby, but not actually want one.


Tell him that you are not amazon for cancelling the "ordered" product

Lilieeeee 4

uhhh did you do it with another dude or?? cuz if you did. that's probably why.

to hell with him, your the one carrying it and having it and gonna take care of it screw him have your baby and be happy