Masterchef 2020

By Anonymous - 30/12/2020 17:01

Today, I invented a new fusion cuisine delicacy: cigarette-flavored apple sauce. The recipe? Cram so many apple pieces in a pot that they will burn on the bottom, even with plenty of water in it, then go away for 30 minutes and wonder what the bad smell is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 234
You deserved it 2 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you mean charcoal-flavored or were you flicking your cigarette ashes into the pot as you were making it?

Gordon Ramsay called. He said "stay the **** out of the kitchen". And then he had a brain aneurysm after trying to work out how you **** up apple sauce.


Do you mean charcoal-flavored or were you flicking your cigarette ashes into the pot as you were making it?

Wadlaen 23

Congratulations on this culinary invention!😅 And I wish you the best of luck on your future work within the field!😅

Gordon Ramsay called. He said "stay the **** out of the kitchen". And then he had a brain aneurysm after trying to work out how you **** up apple sauce.

Well, walking out of the kitchen when you have something on the stove is a step in that direction...because "out of sight, out of mind" is one of the sadder cooking disciplines.