Meet the twins

By eringoBRA - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I walked out of my house, waved at my neighbors, walked through my front yard and into the side yard to turn off the sprinkler. It wasn't until I was back into the house that I remembered I wasn't wearing a top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 299
You deserved it 53 250

Top comments


sharkwkrox 0

yeah, really, how could you forget something like that

at least you didn't see them snapping pictures ;)

just because she didn't see them it doesn't mean it didn't happen...

a nudist at heart... simply embrace it and do it often....

amberita28 0

It's really not a big deal. Everyone is half nude when they go swimming anyways.

Riddles66 0

well, at least you weren't dancing also!