Memory loss

By UGH - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to return a shirt to Target. My mom offered to do it for me on her way to work, so I gave her the shirt and receipt. Later, I remembered that on the same receipt I had purchased condoms, lube, and whipped cream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 276
You deserved it 81 068

Same thing different taste

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adelaide_evening 0

Tell her it was a science experiment where you filled a lubed condom up with whipped cream and saw how long it took for it to explode in a microwave.

Hahahaha, I wonder what there person at the check out was like when you had all those rung up. :P


Hey, atleast you're having safe sex. Your mom was young once and, perhaps, had her own share of the kinky kinky. She'll get over it. =)

HAHAHAHA that sounds like a simple mistake that anyone can make so I agree that its a FML. And yes, Target does sell condoms and whipped cream. I didn't know about lube though.

to make it even weirder, when you saw her next you should have told her you were gay

Gosh, what were you planning on doing with that shirt? But really, it's not your fault you didn't remember.

hey, at least you won't get your gf preggers (or won't get preggers yourself) whipped cream is kinky tho

#20, I'm glad you figured out that caps lock is cruise control for cool

Heh, ooook, maybe your Target is different to my Target, but they sure as hell don't sell condoms where I am. But yeah, I guess they're different in different countries. Heh. Sucks to be you!

It's not THAT fml. Just an awkward moment that will be etched forever in your memory, but you'll get over it. :) Imagine how your kids would crack up when you tell them that one day!

Who buys a shirt and sex supplies in the same visit?