Missed connections

By Anonymous - 05/09/2021 05:01 - United States - San Diego

Today, I found out the guy I had a huge crush on back in college, and still think of every day, actually did like me back. Except I’ve been married for nearly 8 years to someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 388
You deserved it 1 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gotta be honest here, if she has been married for 8 years and still thinks of this other dude every single day it would be fairer to her husband to divorce him so he actually has a chance to find someone that wants him and him alone, sounds more like she keeps her husband out of selfish reasons instead of love

lizardlover95 7


For the sake of your marriage, label it an an infatuation and an intrusive thought, then move on before you cross that nasty line.

gotta be honest here, if she has been married for 8 years and still thinks of this other dude every single day it would be fairer to her husband to divorce him so he actually has a chance to find someone that wants him and him alone, sounds more like she keeps her husband out of selfish reasons instead of love

DoctorPALO 14

YDI if you've been married to, and wasted the time and affection of, someone you don't love. Your spouse doesn't deserve to be ab/used like that.

lizardlover95 7

So, she should be really sneaky and discreet when hooking up with her crush?

Doom_Kitty 12

Uhm...why haven't you talked to each other? That's one of two main purposes for the cake hole in your face...?

Who still has crushes in college? You're supposed to be graduating into full-fledged adulthood at that point. You sound like you still have a lot of growing up to do.