Mistaken identity

By Anonymous - 15/06/2022 08:00 - United States

Today, I found out my sister's personal trainer thought I was a woman this whole time. Here I thought he was a gay man, with how aggressively he's been pursuing me. My sister never shed light on his mistake to anyone, because she thought it was funny. I just wish the truth came out before he decided to try to kiss me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 934
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm confused, he aggressively pursued you but at no point you said, "Sorry I am not into men/I'm not gay." or anything of that iteration?

wrenavery90 12

If he was so aggressively pursuing you I'm really confused as to why you didn't say anything. And he seriously couldn't tell you were a man???


She is right. It is funny! It's a real-life sitcom where each character has false assumptions about the others and the results are hilarious!

I'm confused, he aggressively pursued you but at no point you said, "Sorry I am not into men/I'm not gay." or anything of that iteration?

That is funny! Think of how many laughs you and your sis will have!

wrenavery90 12

If he was so aggressively pursuing you I'm really confused as to why you didn't say anything. And he seriously couldn't tell you were a man???

I'm confused how this could happen. Gender is so aggressively telegraphed by the shape of your face, body structure, mannerisms, voice, bone structure.