Mixed signals

By marie - 28/08/2023 16:00

Today, my boyfriend surprised me with a bouquet of flowers he'd picked himself. This would’ve been romantic, had they not all been Poison Hemlock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 646
You deserved it 90

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well in his defense most people don't even know what poison hemlock looks like only poison ivy maybe poison oak or sumac, but also they are pretty flowers, sumac produces some very beautiful ones. Itchy but pretty lmao 🤣

So that means you both know how to pick em!


So that means you both know how to pick em!

Well in his defense most people don't even know what poison hemlock looks like only poison ivy maybe poison oak or sumac, but also they are pretty flowers, sumac produces some very beautiful ones. Itchy but pretty lmao 🤣