Mommy's boy

By simon - 11/01/2018 06:00

Today, my mother, who insists on sticking her nose into every aspect of my life, found out I'm only "middle management" and called my boss to criticize her for undervaluing me, demanding I be promoted immediately. I'm now the laughing stock of my office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 375
You deserved it 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg, what a psychotic ****! I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

Zachary8261 28

Considering how the mom acts, I won’t be surprised if she tries to ground him/her.


Omg, what a psychotic ****! I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

Zachary8261 28

Next family dinner, bring up how much of an overly protective and overly nosy psycho she is. She’ll be the laughingstock if the family. You may get grounded, but it’s worth it.

"Grounded??" Is the OP a twelve year old, yet somehow in middle management doing something somewhere?

Zachary8261 28

Considering how the mom acts, I won’t be surprised if she tries to ground him/her.

Sounds like it's time to start leaving brochures for old age homes for people with dementia around the house. Maybe next to some handwritten notes to each, like: "has plenty of rats, but a little expensive expensive," or "takes insurance, was on tv last month for elder abuse, must call after 9am for reservations."

I’m hoping that your added title of “Mama’s Boy” will come with a nice little pay bump, or at least some free psychotherapy sessions.

PippiLongstocking 6

Goes into the bedroom, closes the curtains, hides under the bed, curls into a ball and never comes out.

manb91uk 22

It might be a good idea to sit Mrs Bates down and remind her what happened last time she got too involved in your life - you can do it Norman!

onceuponatime456 16

Cut the evil out of your life! Look for a new job as far away from that witch as possible! You will be better off!

Tell the people at your office that you are sorry, but that your mother has mental health issues and to ignore her.

It says something about the people you work with that they would make you a laughingstock over this. They seem to lack understanding and compassion. But that's not unusual -- so many people laugh at other people's misfortune. People are so screwed up.