Naughty girl

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took the dog for a 45 minute walk/jog. She sniffed everything on the ground like she always does. She marked her territory twice, then we finally got home. As soon as I took her off the leash inside, she ran to the kitchen and took a dump right on the kitchen mat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 054
You deserved it 3 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was marking her territory. Again. Pissing or ******** in the house is just another way for your dog to tell you that she's the alpha and you're not. As #3 said, marking is unusual in bitches unless they're dominants. She most likely considers you a pack member of lower rank. So start showing her who's boss, or she'll be ******** elsewhere in the house to assert her status. Stop acting like a lesser pack member. Use a strong, assertive voice when correcting your dog. Do not lower yourself to her height when greeting her (bend down if necessary, but do not crouch to her eye level). If necessary, gently grab her upper jaw or nose to administer discipline (in a wild pack, greeting involves the more submissive canine approaching on the belly and reaching up to lick the leader's lower jaw, so handling your dog's lower jaw could be taken as a sign of submission to her alpha status). If assertiveness is not working, turn your back and ignore her until she corrects her behavior (she will eventually realize she has done something wrong and run to your front side to regain your attention, so keep turning your back on her until she crouches and whines/rolls over to show her belly/displays other apologetic behavior). Seriously. Take charge, or you'll be her bitch.

A dominant bitch will actually mark. It's more prominent in males for sure, but not unheard of for bitches. Although if she never does it and then suddenly starts, it could actually be a urinary tract infection.


Thunderbender 2

Its time to make some use out of them asian youngins.

Thunderbender 2

Most dogs dont shit on the carpet after you just walked them for 45 minutes

Thunderbender 2

yaaaay FML fail turning my replies into regular comments so that I look crazy

it's alright to "spank" dogs, i do not mean a slight pop either.

When my dog does this, I beat him with an empty paper towel roll. It doesn't hurt much, but makes a lot of noise, so he knows he did something wrong.

Male dogs mark their territory lol not females, so i think shee might be a he

starshine3987 0

Um... so house train it. If it's a puppy that's understandable- to a point. Otherwise ydi for letting your dog crap in the house and get away with it.

starshine3987 0

You love your dog because it is so undisciplined it craps in your house? I can think of a lot of reasons I love my dog, but this isn't one of them. That's because like a normal person and a responsible pet owner I house trained her.

It's because you're not the dominant one. She doesn't respect you. Kudos for the exercise, but if she's actually "marking" territory she's displaying uncontested dominant behavior. Same for the sniffing all around: she's doing what she wants on the walk, and not following you. It's okay for dogs to sniff, but make sure it's on your terms. Have her follow (behind or next to you, not in front and absolutely not pulling), and once you believe she's in a calm-submissive state you can allow her to sniff some things, providing she's still listening to you.