Never do this, my dudes

By bluecollar - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, there was a luncheon at work in another dept. We all went to get some free food and see new faces. There was a hot girl walking around chatting. I grabbed my buddy's arm and told him there was a "nice pair of tits here." He saw her. She's his daughter. She's a new-hire… running HR. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 037
You deserved it 54 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greenfairy_fml 0

you're lucky, if a coworker said that to my dad about me, he'd kick his ass. and yeah, you totally deserved it for referring to her that way.

Wow, I hope you know now that referring to women by their body parts isn't ok


I think if a woman had said a similar thing about a guy, like "nice ass here," the comments would be completely different.

Shia_fml 0

Well #50 "spkssd" the last time checked I finished High School, graduated from College, and am now working for Coca Cola... in marketing... fantastic hey considering I am only 21, how old are you? and what do you do for a living? And I actually enjoy hanging out with my brother who is btw only a year younger than me... Junior High? I think not... btw you should not be passing comments like that around... expecially if you don't know a person... it's quite insulting for you to target my comment, which was just a thought from me just like everyone else is, this is a place for us to comment ne?... like it or lump it... I really don't require your 19fusac comment... :) And I am South African... does that explain the "awkward way I write" if you don't understand a phrase I use est. then why not just ask Teef? Making a silly comment like that really makes you pathetic. #58 not all fathers would take things like that likely, but I do agree "shit happens"

rachelforgot2 0

hahaha i fuckn hate HR i love sexual harrassment in the work place makes it more fun eh ;P jk that was too funny thouh! why iare people arguing over this? its funny shit!!!! ahhh has the world gone mad?!??!!?

I love all the guys who are saying it's not sexist because most straight guys talk like that. I suppose it's never occurred to them that most guys ARE sexist.

all HR employees have to have nice ****. Its a pre-requisite for the job :P

hahaahaha thats funny. bad timing or wrong time wrong place but **** it, all the people in here crying about you making a comment like that should be shot on sight. #62, unfortunately thats not true. Our HR lady is an old hag and a super **** everyone hates her.

tasteslikeloud 0

Remember that thing called "sexual harassment"? Obviously not

LMAO, you should be more respectful.. or Hello.. CHECK to see if they know the gal before you go saying "nice pair of ****" jeez. You deserved that one!