New sensation

By Anon Y. Mous - 02/10/2015 04:24 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned what being stabbed in the leg by an ex feels like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 852
You deserved it 2 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hehe1996 15

That's terrible OP. I hope that the police are taking this seriously and that you feel better soon.

Better to be stabbed than shot, I guess? Definitely press charges man.


the most pointless comment i've seen in a while

Really? I thought it had a very clear point

Even though it is pointless...guess the pressure of being number one and couldn't edit made this comment

hehe1996 15

That's terrible OP. I hope that the police are taking this seriously and that you feel better soon.

who wouldnt call the cops after being stabbed?

RedPillSucks 31

those who fear getting stabbed in the face, neck, or genitals?

Maybe those who fear getting stabbed again??I'm just saying..

Damn! Sorry to hear that OP! Press charges if you have proof and witnesses!

"Sorry, this knife wound isn't enough proof to press charges, sorry." Think before posting dumb ass

It's not that the knife wound isn't enough, but more like that OP would need some sort of proof or witness that the stabber was the ex-girlfriend. If nobody saw OP get stabbed then he could have trouble proving that it was her. Don't be such a dick

I'm going to assume that OP was there. That they saw the ex stab them in the leg. Add fingerprints on the knife, unless the ex thought to wear gloves, and you've got proof and a witness.

RedPillSucks 31

They meant proof the ex did it you turd corn.

#25, "This guys has a knife so that automatically means his ex stabbed him. Let's convict her without conducting ANY tests, or getting ANY witness accounts to make sure it was her." "Great" logic, genius.

ShadowlessSpear 21

What could have possibly happened for that to occur?

Better to be stabbed than shot, I guess? Definitely press charges man.

Being shot would actually be better if the bullet goes clear through and not in a bad spot, it's easier to patch up and treat. Stabbing damages more.

Mysterious_one 26

Better none.. No shot.. No stabs

lexiieeex3 32

How in ****'s sake did this get so many likes...

I don't think the stabbing pain is due to your break up. I suggest swift referral to the proper medical professional. (translation: get your ass to the ER)

MonstreBelle 28

I hope your ex learned what being in jail feels like

Does it feel any different than when someone else does it ?

Probably not, but the additional emotional pain of a break up makes this a legitimate FML

@19 being stabbed by someone would help me get over them emotionally I think, so maybe this will help op through the break up.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Hmm... I think you're on to something. Maybe we should stab all of our exes' leg to help them get over their emotional pain.

I'm so sorry OP! I couldn't imagine how that feels. I hope your ex gets what they deserve: a beating and jail time. I'm not meaning to be harsh but you deserve waaay better than that.

I imagine it felt very much like being stabbed in the leg.

I figured. I've never been stabbed in the leg so I can't imagine how that feels.