Nice of her

By Bill - 06/12/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the couch with my 5 year-old on my lap. All of a sudden, she turned to me and said, "Daddy, I love your boobies. They're a good pillow." My own kid just called me fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 961
You deserved it 18 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids call it like they see it. If you want someone to lie to you, ask an adult.


chibikari 0

Don't worry! I love your boobies, too! XD

Propayne 0

Quick put down the donut!!!!!!

maria101 0

hey fatty mick fat fat wanna twinkie?:D come on i kno u want it no? how bout this *gets a giant thing of ice cream* mmmm ice cream yeaaa u like it dont u mmmm good boy*pets*

jts2 3

That's cute. If your kid likes it, you shouldn't be upset.

Sarunas23 0

Well its nothing to worry about. i mean your kid is probably say things like "****","shit"when he's 7-10 years old. thats the world now :/ ;(((

Bob31_fml 4

if you don't like being fat, do something about it. In the meantime, your kid was saying she loves you how you are.

Aw, that's sweet. ^_^ If you don't like it, dood, then lose the chunkage.