
By Anonymous - 10/02/2023 02:00

Today, I sent a spicy picture to my husband, since postpartum depression hit me really hard after having 3 babies, and made me hate myself. Thought I did real good, but all I got in response was a “Nice.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 908
You deserved it 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Nice" is man-speak for "I very much enjoy what I am currently observing and wish to see more of it in a non too distant future". Getting a "Nice" is a good thing. If there was a third button with a "nah, you got this", I would click it.

Try climbing on top of him. He may like physical touch more.


Try climbing on top of him. He may like physical touch more.

"Nice" is man-speak for "I very much enjoy what I am currently observing and wish to see more of it in a non too distant future". Getting a "Nice" is a good thing. If there was a third button with a "nah, you got this", I would click it.

Agree, this is the best response you are going to get, you succeeded

Also depending on where exactly he was when he saw the text it could also have been the only thing he could really say about it. Like yeah long sexting sessions are great but if he’s at work or whatever he needs to get stuff done first.

"Nice" is better than "what's this for", "OK?", "Wow you need to lose weight", or no response at all.

Spicy pics are no way to fight depression. First, talk to your partner and explain to him about the state you are in. I'm sure it will be a better way to get his emotional support. Second of all get help, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and there is no need to suffer when you can get treated.