No cussing

By jdsksoapy - 30/03/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, my parents punished me and made me wash my mouth out with soap for cursing. I'm almost 19. I said the word "Hell". FML
I agree, your life sucks 211 134
You deserved it 35 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SwordSlasher 0

Try "Heck!" or if really moved "Fiddlesticks!"


SwordSlasher 0

To say nothing of the 19 year old who was too much of a pansy to protest to having his mouth washed out with soap.

That's what I thought. Heck, even back when I was 12 I would've refused. Probably as a small kid, too.

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Damn man, I know exactly what you mean :/ I'm 14, and my parents literally made me drink 1 tsp of tobacco sauce, 1 tblsp of vinegar, wash out my mouth with soap, and got grounded for a week, all for saying the word "crap". it's ******* ridiculous. especially since both of my parents swear all the time. literally, one time my dad yelled at me: "I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY GODDAMN SWEARING IN MY HOUSE! DO YOU ******* UNDERSTAND?!" ...******* hypocrites.

Damn man, I know exactly what you mean :/ I'm 14, and my parents literally made me drink 1 tsp of tobacco sauce, 1 tblsp of vinegar, wash out my mouth with soap, and got grounded for a week, all for saying the word "crap". it's ******* ridiculous. especially since both of my parents swear all the time. literally, one time my dad yelled at me: "I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY GODDAMN SWEARING IN MY HOUSE! DO YOU ******* UNDERSTAND?!" ...******* hypocrites.

omgcookeys 15

if youre already 18 then your parents can't make you do that.

Try "Heck!" or if really moved "Fiddlesticks!"

Kyle1dc 17

Golly gee wilickers, that's a pretty good gosh darn idea! I'd be pretty steamed if my parents punished me for using bad flipping words...

Tell your parents to f*ck off!!! You should have resisted this if you're 19!

what are you amish, tell your mom your just try to expand your biblical vocab

NzaHaFML 13

lol that's hilarious usaywhat. x)

Or next time say "Unclefucker." you are going to get your mouth washed out anyway, it may as be for something actually offensive.

Or at least, donkey-raping, shit-eater. I guess that's what u get for still living at home.

or assfuckin pussy licking cocksuckin cuntass

Time to move out, get a tattoo and a mohawk. Your parents are nuts. (For added fun, tell them you're an active member of an atheist group and/or gay! Guarenteed for laughs.)

metal8214 0

I'd tell them I started new 'peoples temple' group and give them a free glass if coolaid... lmfao

or maybe if he's white, pretend to be a national socialist or kkk

dg72592_fml 0

lol if my parents ever did this i'd be like "HELLLLL NAW". then find a friend to move in with or a friendly local park bench.