No joke

By SilverZephyr - 16/01/2015 12:49 - United States - Marion

Today, I asked out a girl that I've liked for a while. She thought I was joking and laughed, saying, "No. Have you met yourself?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 663
You deserved it 3 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TahoeFMler 22

I'd suggest asking what she meant by that. Everyone has flaws, it's best to know what yours are.


That's no FML that's an oh thank god it didn't workout

What if the OP is an emo kid? Black hair. Nails. Cake makeup. Eyeliner. Cut up wrists.. etc.

Except for the wrists, that's pretty shallow.

So you're saying emo kids don't deserve love? The ****...

I think we just found you a perfect soulmate. #13, meet disrespectful, condescending, judgmental bitch in original post. May you have many years of.... existing, together.

Soooo, what, 18, you can't appreciate someone who cuts or has cut?

@18, your comment is befuddling. "Except for the wrists" and then you include shallow. So because someone does something stereotypically not accepted by society, they should be outcasted and/or treated differently. Sounds like the Exact. Definition. of shallow to me...

cryssycakesx3 22

settle down people. 18 just meant that hair, nails, and make up is just vanity. "cut up wrists" was exuded because it's a more complex thing than just someone's appearance.

Ha! Funny how everyone jumps on the'tolerance wagon' no matter what. "Don't judge the machete wielding madman. He's just misunderstood... or, he could be Danny Trejo." ...which, I would be all right with Danny.

Wow that's really harsh. You are way better off with out her OP.

Safes you The time and effort of teaching your date manners!!

People can be cruel and not realize that words do hurt. But be glad you know now not to pursue her any further rather than her treat you this way after investing time in a relationship.

"Oh thats right, I forgot I dont date bitches." then walk away

While that was totally uncalled for. You should look into what she said. If you are doing something that is pushing others away without even knowing it then it would be better if you found out

I met myself once, worst day of my life. Also, she's a *****... Well not actually, since she didn't put out... She's a generic insulting name for un empathetic female. Thanks for reading.

It's 2015. Let's stop calling women nasty names because they've had sex.

I called her, and I quote, a "generic insulting name for an un empathetic female"... Not in any way related to her choice to have or not have sex. Related to her lack of empathy, given her harsh and uncalled for response. It's 2015, learn to read the whole paragraph. Wow.

But you did say that you couldn't call her a ***** because she didn't "put out," implying that a woman who DOES have sex is worthy of the name *****, thus leading to #33's comment.

We don't know OP, he could be a prick and she knew better. Maybe OP is a super nice guy and the chick was being an asshole, but we don't know that either. I'm not saying OP couldn't be a cool dude, but it's jumping the gun to straight up call her a bitch. I'd joke back with someone I thought was joking with me.

kayteakay 26

Even if he sucks as a person it doesn't make her any better by being a bitch.

FieldLeftBlank 20

Doesn't matter even if he's a jerk, she could've just said no. I don't get people who go out of their way to be rude.