No joking allowed

By TecheyTim - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Latham

Today, a coworker and I pulled a April Fools' prank on our boss. She "borrowed" his keys and rolled down his window. I took a car window from a scrap yard and sprinkled it on the ground near his door. His response was to kick the nearest object in anger. The nearest object happened to be my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 523
You deserved it 12 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's an awesome prank...for anyone but your boss

it could have been worse... he could have busted one of your windows


Oh to be a fly on the windshield and see the look of horror on your face when he kicked your car

katachristic 19

Theft of car keys isn't okay as an April fools prank. Suppose he'd noticed them missing before you got then back. Then you'd have to convince him it was for a prank and not to steal his car.

Putting broken glass in a parking lot is stupid. It's a great way to puncture someone's tires.

not with car-windows. They are from a special kind that aren't sharp after breaking...

Yet, are any April Fools jokes considered "smart?" xD not many

This one is a YDI 100%. Yeah, he should have reacted more rationally, but that's a poor joke. I've had my car window broken and things stolen from my car before, and it is not a good feeling. Plus, he very well could have called the cops before anyone had time to react, wasting their time and blocking up lines for people who actually needed it. Yeah, April fool's day is a day for jokes and pranks, but if the one you pull the prank on isn't laughing, the joke is in poor taste.

He could have been laughing if he'd been a rational matured human being.

I gotta say this made me laugh... it's at your expense and for that I'm sorry, but even you gotta laugh at it right ?

A kick to your car couldn't have done that much damage, could it?

I've had my car door kicked in before, it sucks and depending where you go and what type of car you have it can be expensive. My Honda Civic was about $600 in repairs

darth1 18

He kicked your car, okay so? I honestly don't understand, how much damage can a kick do to a car?

As long it did no damage then it all good