No justice

By Anonymous - 04/10/2020 20:01 - Germany - Hörth

Today, my ex-boss still owes me almost 900€. I just paid another 150€ to have a lawyer tell me that, yes, the law is clearly on my side but no, I will most likely not win in court because I don't have hard proof. I just paid money to be told I won't be getting the money I'm owed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 310
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

go to your labor board or whatever you have in your area and if that doesn't work trash is company on Facebook

Actually the lawyer saved you some. He could have taken the case and run a much bigger bill, then lost anyway. So give that lawyer a little credit for telling you the truth.


go to your labor board or whatever you have in your area and if that doesn't work trash is company on Facebook

Actually the lawyer saved you some. He could have taken the case and run a much bigger bill, then lost anyway. So give that lawyer a little credit for telling you the truth.

Hailstorm92 10

When you give him a option. Pay you or you’re gonna make his life a living hell or just damage enough of his property to cover what he owes you then he’ll have a reason not to pay you just make sure can’t be linked back to you.

this is a horrible idea. why take the risk of having charges against you,