Not taking it well

By runsinthefamily - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Aurora

Today, my neighbor called the cops on me, claiming I'd threatened him with a gun. Despite zero proof, they took me to the station and gave me hell. I guess what I've learned today is that you should never offend your crazy neighbor by breaking up with his daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 983
You deserved it 4 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thank god you broke up with her though, imagine having him as a father in law!

If you don't actually own a gun and can prove it(i.e Allowing the police to search your possessions), threaten to file misconduct and also report the false call.


Thank goodness you dumped her & her psycho family

Ironically, YOU are the one who dodged the bullet!! (If she's as nutty as your name suggests lol)

Christmas is coming. Got any pictures of you boning his daughter? That would make a great Christmas card.

They need valid proof to arrest least where I live they do

It's called "probable cause" and witness statements are sufficient.

Nope, otherwise he'd be in jail, not posting a FML. They just brought him in for questioning. I'm guessing complying with their request to be “brought in ”saved the guy an arrest. And again, pretty sure no ROR on a on any charge that would come from this, hence he's posting and not sitting a cell. Of course an asset can still be made.

mr_aaaaaaaa 12

This FML reminds me of a Chinese word: a rabbit will never eat the grass which is near home

What happened to "Innocent Until Proven Guilty?" Is it now "Guilty Until Proven Guilty?"

juturnaamo 29

He never said he was convicted of anything.

"Despite zero proof, they took me to the station and gave me hell."

tool3rdeye 7

You could solve this by not even dating your neighbors. That's as bad as dating co workers. In the end it never works. And you pay for it. Sorry OP.

There are always exceptions.. for example, I dated a co-worker and now we are happily married.

My parents were co-workers and now happily married aswell.

Hey you dodged a man. Imagine marrying the crazy girl, you would have a crazy father-in-law too.

You should've also learned to say "eff the police".

Ooh, I see you're a gangster. I'm pretty gangster, myself. More like "**** your half-baked advice, 41."