Not that there's anything wrong with that

By notgay - 21/06/2015 06:04 - United States - Cranford

Today, I brought my best friend home and told my dad we were going to study together. He loudly replied "Woah!", stumbled around for a few seconds like he was drunk, then apologized and said the "sheer amount of gayness" between us had overloaded his gaydar. We're not gay, dammit! FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 761
You deserved it 3 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess it's pretty clear your dad never studied with anyone


I knew they had them. But, even though I could have many guesses, I wouldn't know what one would sound like. c:

nothing92x 13

Could it be possible your dad says this from experience? I mean hey maybe he's used that excuse back in his younger years....just a thought.

That's what I said about my best friend in the 8th grade. Now, in college, im about to ask her out.

I thought only gay people had the gaydar. Maybe dad is trying to come out?

Anyone can have one, in fact they're pretty cheap on eBay.

I think you can buy them at Pier One ;)

Those ones are easily jammed by the metrosexual and the tomboy

That's a dick move. Ha, get it? Dick move? Dick? No? Penis.

50 - I was gonna finish that quote, but... Leonard Nimoy... :(

Welcome to fml newcomer this is just the beginning.

Not that there's anything what with that.

RockstarJAy 16