One of the guys

By Sabrinna - 14/03/2024 11:00 - United States - Miami

Today, I found out that the girl that my boyfriend considers “one of the guys” isn’t really one of the guys after all. I trusted him to let her stay at his house overnight on several occasions, and to spend alone time with her. She’s pregnant, and the baby is his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 648
You deserved it 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She could be one of the guys. Assuming he also sleeps with the guys.

Lesson for sure. If the relationship is serious and going well, there should be zero sleepovers with "one of the guys."


Lesson for sure. If the relationship is serious and going well, there should be zero sleepovers with "one of the guys."

She could be one of the guys. Assuming he also sleeps with the guys.

okay, wow. unless she is a raging lesbian (no disrespect to them) there is no way she should be staying with him alone overnight. I feel for you but you're an idiot for believing the bullshit.

You mean EX-boyfriend, right? And honestly, even if she was just "one of the guys," how many guys hang out one on one like that when they're old enough to be having sex? And she only did that with your boyfriend, none of his other guy friends? Red flags all around. Dump him now.