Parting shit

By smellymcgee - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Farmington

Today, I came home to the vilest stench I've ever smelled. I had to open a floor vent and scoop up the turd that was inside. Funnily enough, today was the day my scumbag roommate moved out, but I'm sure he had absolutely nothing to do with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 913
You deserved it 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he left a new address leave it on his step + a gift of your own

Although horrible at least you found it right away. You could be playing find that smell for the next month


IrishJohn 3

I have to wonder what went down to cause someone to leave like that. I wish to know the backstory

If he left a new address leave it on his step + a gift of your own

Leaving the shit-bag a shit bag. Not the worst plan I've heard.

I believe that sending human waste through the mail is illegal.

#27 They're suggesting leaving it on the doorstep not mailing it to them.

Although horrible at least you found it right away. You could be playing find that smell for the next month

tiptoppc 19

I did that when a raccoon decided to crawl under my porch and die. Like pork rinds gone bad…

I believe the correct statement was, It's a nice gift, that he left.* Oh, the gift WASN'T him leaving? My mistake ;)

Find his new address, put the turd in a paper bag, set it on fire and leave it on his doorstep.

I guess you could say that it was a shitty situation ;) (hope the smell goes away)

Idk why people enjoy playing pranks with their own shit like wtf is wrong with you?