Planned assault

By Anonymous - 09/11/2020 08:03

Today, my boyfriend thought it would be wise to joke that we needed to postpone our reunion for another week. We haven't seen each other for almost 4 months, due to events out of our control. He thinks he's funny. He'll get punched when we do see each other again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 759
You deserved it 1 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"My boyfriend has a sense of humour. I want to physically assault him for that. FML"?!

And the punch ends the relationship. Chill sis!


And the punch ends the relationship. Chill sis!

"My boyfriend has a sense of humour. I want to physically assault him for that. FML"?!

coius 23

If thats how you handle a little delay, you don’t deserve him and more like eff *HIS* life. Why do you think what he said is deserving of domestic abuse? If anything that guy needs to run away, quick if this is how you solve a little disappointment. I hope your tubes are tied, you shouldn’t have kids. I’d be afraid you’d body slam them for cherios on the floor at the age of 1.5 years old

my guess is he is going to dump you and is delaying it

If by punch you mean a light one in the shoulder or in the chest, ok. But if it's not, sounds abusive.

now he'll want to delay the reunion even more because he reads FML

someone needs to lighten was a joke for ****'s sake