Play it cool

By NathanPlays - 23/04/2011 01:39 - United States

Today, a very attractive girl moved in across the road from me. As I was leaving, I noticed she was looking out her window at me. I tried playing it cool, only to end up tripping over my own feet, hands in pocket, and faceplanting the hood of my dad's car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 098
You deserved it 20 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awww falling head over heals allready

Eggers 2

what were your hands *doing* in your pockets, you naughty boy?


awww falling head over heals allready

CrazyDude19 3

Lol! Chicks totally dig injuries though. ;)

40- Chicks do not! At least not from trying to be cool and falling face first into your dad's car. :)

ImaWiseGuy 5

haha, going with the clumsy angle I see....

dude.. I would laugh hysterically and use the fact he face planted into a car for me as a conversation starter. hahaha, I dig dumb injuries and imma girl.

lol actually i would. id think it was cute that he was trying lol ^^

staceysgenesis16 0

hah , i hope the car is okay .but nice attempt .. it was still a failure tho . obviously

elliottthefmlgod 0
tsim_fml 0

u forgot the "move" part of "smooth move" then you gotta call him a "slick fox"

forgettingsunday 0
Takador 3

*french accent* silly americans

Eggers 2

what were your hands *doing* in your pockets, you naughty boy?

CrazyDude19 3

lmfao agree what was he doing with those hands...

uncbballwins 0

He was hiding the surprise boner

gigglezbabii22 2

It's part of his "cool" look lol because walking around with your hands in your pockets means you have swagg.

why, he was playing a game of "pocket pull!"

drew2711 0

just tell her you were trying to practice your faceplant trick

what's a bonnet on a car? oh, btw, real smooth xD

shift_love 13

it's the European word for hood, boot is trunk, and front wings are fenders.

perdix 29

And the hood is the top on a convertible.

Bonnet is where the cops throw you when you're getting arrested. Boot is where the terrorists throw you when you're getting kidnapped.

JacksonCampbell 9
SmallTownCutie 0

I doubt it. Sort of sounds like he didn't have a chance anyway.

just say that's what all cool guys do when dey c pretty ladies. yup. . . .... very believable.