
By Anonymous - 12/08/2020 14:02

Today, my boyfriend said angrily that he should never have gotten together with me, that he should have known a woman with divorced parents would have daddy issues, and never be quite right in the head. His own parents are divorced by the way, and his mom is extremely overbearing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 695
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

He must not have realized that he probably also has issues, or that he is projecting the issues to you.


Mathalamus 24

He must not have realized that he probably also has issues, or that he is projecting the issues to you.

If he can't accept your and his past/issues and work on them together, he doesn't need to be in a relationship.

While I don't know all the issues I get the feeling he was raised by his dad and fed "your mom should have" and now is blaming your not living up to his expectations of a girlfriend/wife on you having issues instead of his mommy issues.

He doesn't respect you and is self-projecting hard. Leave him.

Family issues are just part of the game, your boyfriend is naive to think otherwise.

lifeis4me 20

He’s projecting his own issues and honestly isn’t ready for any kind of relationship.