
By Kitty T - 10/12/2023 05:00 - Australia - Townsville

Today, my mum's response to my psycho sister being angry and threatening my partner, was that I should make her angry at me since she needs someone to hate, and I'm the default, so I handle it better anyway. This was after I asked her to get my sister professional help, and she denied the need. FML
I agree, your life sucks 571
You deserved it 90

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Joshgiddeyisthegoat 1

this is relatable my 8 year old sister hits my mom about every day spits on me and throws knifes at my mom she’s crazy

Holy shit. I hope she gets help sooner than later. Only difference between then and now is she’ll be harder to handle then.


Joshgiddeyisthegoat 1

this is relatable my 8 year old sister hits my mom about every day spits on me and throws knifes at my mom she’s crazy

Holy shit. I hope she gets help sooner than later. Only difference between then and now is she’ll be harder to handle then.

I agree with carley, nip it in the butt now... my sister thinks it's hilarious to stab me