
By yumx24 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at the local swimming pool, my friend and I noticed two cute guys had just arrived. When they jumped in, we immediately took off our tank tops and got in the opposite end. They looked over at us, then looked at each other, got out of the pool and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 110
You deserved it 16 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What awkward kids... Even if they weren't interested, were they really so afraid of even talking to you that they had to LEAVE?

DreMaMa 0

Maybe, It wasn't even about you? Maybe your friend is the ugly one...just saying


Ouch. That sucks dude... By the way, first! :D Sorry, I know that's annoying but I've been trying to get it for a while and I never do. Woo! But yeah, that sucks. Don't worry, those guys are probably douche bags anyway.

it surprises me that no one has mentioned the possibilty that these guys decided to go to the pool to swim laps but when the 2 girls jumped in, they blocked the straight shot to the other end of the pool. the guys were probably annoyed that the girls jumped in at that moment, when they were about to get started, so they just got out

well it was at a local swimming pool. do they really expect the pool to be completely empty so they could swim laps?

SilenceIsSilver 0

Okay, so they could've been douchebags. or MAYBE they were both taken and were trying to not be douchebags to their girlfriends. I'm sorry this happened to you OP. Sounds really embarrassing. But YkDI for assuming they were single.

or you could deserve it for being fatties. should have done some laps once they left fatties

What awkward kids... Even if they weren't interested, were they really so afraid of even talking to you that they had to LEAVE?

lexi_8588 0

yes. maybe they were dikes?!?! thats probablly the case

Maybe they thought the 2 girls were avoiding them and left because they saw no chance, I don't know

#133 you are a sick for saying that with out even knowing the person

Perhaps they were taken and decided not to be around temptation and hang out with their girlfriends or just chill elsewhere.

CaptainPat 0

shut up #1 no one gives a shit. and aww, im sorry, that sounds like it really sucks

That was rude of them :( On the otherhand it is possible they were gay and didn't want to give the wrong signals. I'm sure both you and your friend are cute :)

I doubt they're cute it sounds like the 2 guys were repulsed by them so much, that without uttering a single word decided that they were ugly and both left

DreMaMa 0

Maybe, It wasn't even about you? Maybe your friend is the ugly one...just saying

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

now your prob. just soo hot that guys are shy to b near you? ;) lol look on the brighter side, haha (:

cuterthanuthink 0

Yes....because gay people are afraid of women....that's totally it.

You can come and swim in my pool anytime. ;)

onemoreweekend 0

stay optimistic and convince yourself they were gay. besides, all the hot guys are gay nowadays. ;D

hewro_failure 11

It's not that all the hot guys are gay today it's just that gay guys take care of themselves and want to look good so they try harder

Well... Ahm.. Maybe they were getting out so they could come over and greet u butthey were um shy lol