Smooth operator

By Nic - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I put on some skimpy shorts and bent down to get something on the bottom shelf of the fridge to get my boyfriend's attention. On my way up, I slammed my head on the edge of the fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 948
You deserved it 46 046

Same thing different taste


spaceboyftw 0

ah, do "spanning", "extending", "distribution", and "epidemic".


spaceboyftw 0

did u know that u are obnoxious?

did you know that you're a troll? :o

spaceboyftw 0

why dont u tell me what that means and then i will have the appropraite response.........

BAHAHHAAHAHA! Also: It's spelled 'appropriate'.

spaceboyftw 0

whatever this troll thing least i'm not an obnoxious troll. wowwww, no one likes a grammar nazi

spaceboyftw 0

what the **** is a troll?!?!

spaceboyftw 0

Conceited too, apparently! Pics or it didn't happen.

spaceboyftw 0

okay u girls seriously need to stop using big words....trolls arent smart

Weren't you already googling things? While you're at it, look up the words I mentioned, too. Keep up!

spaceboyftw 0

no i wasn't already googling things.....the other girl was doing it for my lazy ass

#248 I'm pretty sure that "conceited" isn't a "big word."

spaceboyftw 0

are you joking? because i was.

Almost as huge as my... er... uh.... hand! Yeah... hand. Crap, that doesn't work, does it?

What, OP's a gardening tool? Hmmm. That's kind of weird. Didn't know humans could be used for gardening.

Maybe this chick needs to come to my house and then she could do all the playful things. and as for everyone yelling ****. Your just jealous that your girlfriend or wife doesn't do stuff like this. it's called being flirty and playful for you idiots.

kassee 0

ouchh dat must of hurt and da embarrasment -_- but ur boyfriend should find u atractive reqardless if u wear skimply clothes or not

Repeat after me: "My headache went away."

yellowdaisy92 0

there are other ways to get a mans attention without putting skimpy shorts on..ydi for being stupid and bending over near the fridge...

oh pull the sticks out your asses people. sounds to me op was being flirty and trying to be seductive. nobody wants to just go straight to bed and just do it. if you don't get it It's called fore play. if you still don't get it look it up.

sk8trzero53 0

Op, im a guy, so il put it clear, if you wanted action so badly which is what im assuming, you shoulda just went over and started playing with him, he will catch on if hes not a total moron, and stfu who ever says shes a **** and focus on the fml, seriously...