By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while cleaning out my garage, I found a pregnant spider. I couldn't step on the spider without releasing the baby spiders, so I went inside to get a glass jar to trap it. While trying to relocate the spider, I accidentally stepped on it. I now have a bunch of baby spiders roaming around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 996
You deserved it 7 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason I read this as "I found a pregnant sister" it was way cooler that way.


Mm spiders give me panic attacks. Have fun with your family. (:

If you step on a pregnant spider wouldn't you squish the babies as well..?

ravenjahns 4

if you stepped on the spider...wouldn't that crush it's stomach, therefore crushing the baby spiders?

Ever read charlottes web, idiot? Spiders don't get preggers, they lay eggs.

1R1X0X0 10

Too bad that spiders aren't mammals. So somewhere in your story you told us a lie.

An I the only person who realizes that spiders don't get "pregnant?" They lay eggs in an egg sac in a remote spot away from the web the keep them protected

What a stupid FML there are spiders EVERYWHERE in a house hold. There are really scary ones at my work , white ones with red eyes.