Spill the shade, throw some tea

By Anonymous - 24/11/2023 18:00 - Kuwait - Mishrif

Today, it's been months since my spouse has talked to me. I'm currently in a timezone that's almost double digits difference. Not even a "Have a good day!" Big ass fuck you I guess. Yet they're always on, then gets off shortly after I'm on Facebook Messenger. Makes sense, right? Shady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 425
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get it. Laying in the tents at Ali is boring while awaiting Space-A and jet lag to wear off. My spouse and I had to just leave messages for each other as overlap was seldom (she sleeps too late for evenings and I had work too early for her evenings). Thanks for whatever work you are doing and maybe order some flowers. A note attached can even remind of when you can be online together.


I get it. Laying in the tents at Ali is boring while awaiting Space-A and jet lag to wear off. My spouse and I had to just leave messages for each other as overlap was seldom (she sleeps too late for evenings and I had work too early for her evenings). Thanks for whatever work you are doing and maybe order some flowers. A note attached can even remind of when you can be online together.