Stop lying

By dinosaurman - 07/10/2009 16:07 - Canada

Today, I found out that my sister, who is 16 years older than me, is actually my biological mother. She and my parents decided it was best that I didn't know who my real mother was, and to be raised by my grandparents as their child. I've always hated my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 192 564
You deserved it 10 013

Same thing different taste

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adelaide_evening 0

Well then, I guess it's a good thing your grandparents raised you, isn't it?

Holy shit... this one isn't even funny. I'm sorry, man : |


its better your family kept you though, they could have given you away and you not know them at all

soooooo, whoever is saying this isnt a fml. your life is ****** for not knowing how much of a FML this really is!! **** your life dude, seriously

This is EXACTLY how I was raised!!!! Crazy! I'm my own Aunt! LOL I have known for several years now. My Parents are still my Parents! NOT my Grandparents, she is still my sister...even though we still don't get along very well. I have no idea who my “biological father” is, and I don’t feel that I need to because I have an amazing Father already. Giving birth does not make you a parent, loving a child enough to take them in and going out of your way to protect them does!!! I respect your PARENTS so much for raising you the way that they did. If they had of told you from the get go then you would never really see them as your parents. This is the best way. Just imagine what your life would have been like otherwise. Be greatful, not many people were chosen by their parents. Just remember it gives you character and that you are loved more than most children! Your Parents chose you! You were not a mistake to them. They wanted you and that is why they are your parents! Never forget that!

But Charlie and Ruby always got on pretty well! :)

puppyshoes 4

That's what I thought about also! Love h&a and whenever I hear this situation I think of h&a lol

I don't know why. But this story makes me uncomfortable. I think that there's something really wrong with this but I can't put my finger on it. And no, it's not the obvious part. .... Maybe this story is just all around sad. I'm sorry that happened to you.

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Azrael84_phd3 0

Sounds Like a Mexican Soap Opera.

njrobots 0

This is actually a story arc from As the World Turns, no lie.

It's been a story arc on pretty much every soap.

haha you mom might be a ***** back then and your life is messed up now. yep, **** your life!! but think about it .. its much harder for your mom to hide it :( ur mom did da best for u !!