By lamelifeguard - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Morrison

Today, someone at my workplace yelled at me and filed a complaint for staring at them too often. I'm a lifeguard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 080
You deserved it 4 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They seem to have spent an ironically long time looking at you...

No miss I wasn't staring at your breasts, I was making sure you weren't drowning!


What kind of lifeguard watches people? Rude. Jk

I'm a lifeguard as well. You'll have to get used to it. We get stupid complaints like that all the time. It's one of those jobs that everyone thinks they can do better than you.

Well, look elswhere, man! Do not make drowning people uncomfortable :)

Looks like someone doesn't want to get their life saved when they start drowning

Then she must have been looking at you, too.

You were probably scoping out the hot babes

Worst comes to worst, they could've just told you to chill out.

Nederlander95 14

You said e instead of a in your username. Idk why I felt that necessary to point out

I live in Florida and j can tell you people will complain about anything. A dog walks to close. Complaint. Fish don't bite. Complaimt