Stuck in the life script

By Anonymous - 27/07/2023 15:00

Today, I was talking to my dad about how I don’t think I love my fiancé anymore. He sat me down and gave me a severe talking to that amounted to, “We’re a respectable religious family, he’ll be a good husband, you’ll make babies and grow old together. You don’t need to love him to do that.“ FML
I agree, your life sucks 989
You deserved it 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now you know your father is a religious zealot and you have to leave your fiance. Break things off and move on. Don't let your dad peer pressure you into something you'll regret.

Your dad can **** right off. Leave your fiancé, if that's what you want. You don't have to have kids if you don't want them, either. Go no contact from your father.


never go to religious nuts for advice, they always say the same shit. suffer anyway

Your dad can **** right off. Leave your fiancé, if that's what you want. You don't have to have kids if you don't want them, either. Go no contact from your father.

Now you know your father is a religious zealot and you have to leave your fiance. Break things off and move on. Don't let your dad peer pressure you into something you'll regret.

If my parents said that to me, bye bye fiancé, and bye bye parents. I’m not staying in a loveless marriage

Religion is fine if you’re using it as an abstract concept for personal motivation. But the second you start taking it literally and using it to inform your decisions, it’s insanely harmful. And I have to wonder why that doesn’t prompt more people to question it.

How very medieval of your father. 🤨 **** him. **** his 'appearances'. **** his ridiculous sensibilities and you go do you. He's more concerned about his 'respectability' than your happiness? That's all you need to know about the guy. Don't marry someone you don't love. Go find someone you DO want to marry and to hell with your old man. He's an arsehole. You'll probably benefit from some therapy to untangle the religious damage your upbringing has caused and to get through the selfish, deluded tantrum your 'father' is going to throw but be true unto yourself and don't marry under false pretences. You don't say where you are or give any cultural clues so if you are someplace where standing up to your Patriarch is dangerous then please do it safely. Even if that has to involve getting yourself far, far away from your family.

If such marriage were too happen a decent church would see it as being void, because you wouldn’t have has a free choice.