
By SEND HELP - 09/11/2022 19:00 - United States

Today, I keep killing flies in my room, probably dozens on a daily basis, and yet every day there seems to be more of them. I have to sleep backwards in my bed so the droning of the fan drowns out the buzzing noise, or else I can't sleep. Even then, I sometimes jump awake when one lands on my ear, which is often. FML
I agree, your life sucks 703
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Empty your trash cans, clean the gunk inside, wash your two dozen semi-empty glasses and crusty plates, throw away the moldy apple cores under your bed, sanitize your room, wash your linen, wash your curtains while you're at it, make sure nobody is storing trash or rotting carcasses under your windows, and clean under your heaters with a vacuum cleaner and a toothbrush. You should have way less flies after that.


maskedangel 11

Use fly strips. Best thing ever

Empty your trash cans, clean the gunk inside, wash your two dozen semi-empty glasses and crusty plates, throw away the moldy apple cores under your bed, sanitize your room, wash your linen, wash your curtains while you're at it, make sure nobody is storing trash or rotting carcasses under your windows, and clean under your heaters with a vacuum cleaner and a toothbrush. You should have way less flies after that.

Unless you live near livestock. Or have a cesspool. Or don't have window screens. Or a million other reasons flies exist that doesn't involve humans creating a prime habitat for them.