Take the L

By slowrunner - 22/04/2009 13:20 - United States

Today, I was running the 100m sprint in a track meet. Me and another girl were tied for dead last. When we finished, she complained, "It's so embarrassing how slow I am today. I have shin splints. What happened to you?" I was actually running my hardest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 657
You deserved it 7 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... Hm... I don't really know what to say but that is... sad I am sorry (Also, NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE FIRST. So shut up)

susie1234_5678 0

Don't worry, you will improve!! I was in track and cross country and used to lose every single race, but I kept improving every year and I started doing really well! That's the thing about running, you really see AMAZING improvements. Have fun and believe in yourself!! Pushing your body will make you improve fastest. (And don't run too much because you might get flat foot like I did :S)


the_walrus 0

did u see the splints? if not shes probably ******* with ur head.

peasonearth 8

You can't see shin splints idiot and it's obvious you have no idea what they are.

#20 that was very much uncalled for and a dick move.

that_guy321 2

"the 100's not a real race. there's no turns and no barriers." ^my distance coach as we were talking about what i'd run in an upcoming meet. haha but anyways, listen to everyone, keep training. no one's good at running without training. edit: walrus, shin splints is when the muscle in your shin pulls itself from the bone, there aren't any actual "splints" as most people would think of them.

piderman13 0

ouch! i feel sorry for the other girl. shin splints hurt like hell

Socrates_fml 0

everyone gets shin splints. no excuse>>>ice and advil. tell her to stop bitching

KeithHarris 0

Good job in the race. Don't worry about that other girl. She may have been lying, you never know. It sucks though when that kind of thing happens. Don't let it get you down!

Well, at least you tried. (: I can't run..

You should be proud of yourself for actually A) running the race and B) doing your best. Don't get discouraged. Train a little more, and on the next one, try to beat your previous time. Everybody starts at a different level. No matter how athletic you are, some people just are not runners. I'm a ski racer and am in very good shape, but I couldn't run in a track meet. Work hard again, try to beat your last time, and feel good that you actually put yourself out there and tried your hardest at something.