Thank you for your service

By Anonymous - 04/12/2022 01:00 - South Africa

Today, I discovered that more than half my family has disowned me on both my mother's and father's sides, and whilst I was having my mental breakdown about this, I tried to call my boyfriend to tell him what had happened, He fell asleep and didn't call me back for 5 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 699
You deserved it 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Can we have details of why before we vote?

Hmmm, drama queen/attention *****? People want that in their lives!


Nikki 17

Can we have details of why before we vote?

Hmmm, drama queen/attention *****? People want that in their lives!

so? none of this really sounds like a problem...