Thanks dad

By Anonymous - 24/01/2015 01:02 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my dad uploaded his porn collection onto our family server. My mom was convinced I did it and sat me down for a long talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 051
You deserved it 2 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Come on mom! It's obviously dad's collection. My collection wouldn't fit on one server."

I hope he had decent material at least and nothing weird. . Son, why are there 143 videos of pregnant Asian women and German Shepard **** on here? Or something equally disgusting


She's jealous that he'd rather watch it then spend time with her.

that statement actually works with either than or then...

@6 I think the issue is her lack of participation.

I hope he had decent material at least and nothing weird. . Son, why are there 143 videos of pregnant Asian women and German Shepard **** on here? Or something equally disgusting

That is an oddly specific example you gave there. Maybe we need to have a long talk about it........

that fetish concidered discusting? well then.... now I have to do something else with this external hard drive I just bought.

Someone is being a little judgmental...disgusting? Maybe a little outside the box, but not disgusting.

"Come on mom! It's obviously dad's collection. My collection wouldn't fit on one server."

Rename the file "Dad's Hentai ****" so that you don't confuse it with yours.

Yeah, something worth being accused of ;)

Well I'm glad. Now we know your dad has a fine taste.

I'm not the author...I was only kind of finishing what you'd started saying.

I would delete "your" **** from the server to make her happy.

Why would he upload it into the family server anyways? Sounds smart.

If I was his wife Id be pissed that he had a whole collection lol

#12: I fear that the Internet Age will not be kind to you.