That's… sexy

By Anonymous - 03/02/2021 01:01 - Mexico - Iztacalco

Today, my wife threw up in the middle of sex, then fell asleep right after. I didn't even finish and it'd been over a month since the last time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 091
You deserved it 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe you should be more worried about your wife throwing up. if you care more about getting off than you do about her health I understand why you aren't having much luck in the bedroom.

peterblack67 9

What about your poor wife??? I'm guessing this is why its been more than a month.


maybe you should be more worried about your wife throwing up. if you care more about getting off than you do about her health I understand why you aren't having much luck in the bedroom.

tounces7 27

Maybe. My first thought was that she was probably extremely drunk, in which case throwing up then passing out wouldn't be that unusual.

Warp1978 15

Don't worry about that a month is nothing, it's been almost a year since my wife and I last had any type of intamacy. 😅

tounces7 27

You don't have a wife, you have a roommate.

flagbitch 8

Me and hubby have been apart for ssoooo long due to covid and travel restrictions. I understand the frustration...we have a lot of lost time to make up for!

peterblack67 9

What about your poor wife??? I'm guessing this is why its been more than a month.

mando 10

once health issues are addressed, they should get on a better routine. Priorities.