The best costume design award goes to…

By Anonymous - 27/10/2023 06:00

Today, my son is so rabid for Halloween this year that he decided to dress up early and do his own Incredible Hulk makeup. He used a green permanent marker he stole from school. It’s all over him from head to foot, and my carpet, sofa, bathtub, and even the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 72

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That reminds me of a Halloween party I went to long ago. There was a lady there who had used a bottle of green food coloring to color her skin green. She was an impressive witch! Then she said that once she had done that and tried to wash off her hands they stayed green! I later heard that she got it off with baby oil… Permanent marker is even harder to remove. Let the lad sweat over it a while. Maybe he’ll learn something about thinking ahead. The usual solvent for markers is rubbing alcohol. The 90% stuff from the drug store will probably remove it. It will sting of course if there are any scratches and keep it out of his eyes.

Wow... and that's when you tell him he can't go trick or treating. I don't know how old he is, but if he's old enough to be in a school where there are permanent markers, he's old enough to know not to use them on any of the surfaces mentioned in this post.


That reminds me of a Halloween party I went to long ago. There was a lady there who had used a bottle of green food coloring to color her skin green. She was an impressive witch! Then she said that once she had done that and tried to wash off her hands they stayed green! I later heard that she got it off with baby oil… Permanent marker is even harder to remove. Let the lad sweat over it a while. Maybe he’ll learn something about thinking ahead. The usual solvent for markers is rubbing alcohol. The 90% stuff from the drug store will probably remove it. It will sting of course if there are any scratches and keep it out of his eyes.

Wow... and that's when you tell him he can't go trick or treating. I don't know how old he is, but if he's old enough to be in a school where there are permanent markers, he's old enough to know not to use them on any of the surfaces mentioned in this post.