The bitch is back

By thatsucks - 28/02/2009 11:10 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband dropped me off at work. Ten minutes later, I got a text saying, "I just dropped the bitch off, I'll be there in a few baby, miss you". I later asked him about it. He said, "Megan, I have no idea what you're talking about." My name isn't Megan. Not even close. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 289 747
You deserved it 143 221

Same thing different taste


alehouse 9
alehouse 9

The real question is are you a bitch ?

Ovenmitwearer 6

You picked a douchebag that cheats. Let me guess, you're a perfect wife and put out a lot? You're fault. Get on your knees a little more and see if your marriage gets better.

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Adeline90 10

I wouldn´t go so far as to say your life sucks, just the guy you married. Nobody deserves a cheating bastard as a husband.

BoiDisLifeSux 12

I hope you leave him. If you don't you're a disgrace to all women lol